a -------
machine learning designed website
Welcome ur new AI overlords
But what?
ok so I was playing with ganbreeder
blah blah blah blah
Gambreeder is hella fun. It uses Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate images. You can ask it to make a dog crossed with a tennis ball. One network trys to make an image that the other will classify as both a dog and a tennis ball. Here is an example:
I noticed one option was "website" so I started making some website designs with it. Here is one that I liked and decided to try to make into a real website (click for higher res)
It was generated to be classified as 4% tarantula, 9% ruffled grouse, 5% white stork, 2% pelican, 5% Bedlington Terrier, 8% African elephant, 4% lesser panda, 11% eel, 2% analog clock, 9% bucket, 5% cowboy boot, 3% french horn, 4% lab coat, 6% pool table, 4% projector, 6% shield, 41% spider web, 6% spotlight, 85% web site, and 3% coral reef.
Of course this is my interpretation of that...thing. And required some err... artistic license. The most fun was drawing my interpretation of the "logos" in Assembly (a great art app for iOS) and getting to use border properties like "ridged" that are not often utilized in polite css. I like to imagine this is like a site for some alien sports league and the logos are for the three teams: clock mountain medal, royal tears, and vaguely bisexual rock people.
OK so it's a bit ugly, but it was fun as hell to make. Feel free to "remix" and make your own interpretation. Or head to GanBreeder and make some cool website designs to implement here on Glitch. I learned inspired A LOT by the ai weirdness blog